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The School Curriculum

Here at Sheepy we believe that having an exciting and innovative approach to learning helps to foster a love for learning. We want our children to be confident and successful in their educational journey right from the very beginning.


As a maintained school we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework for the Reception year and the National Curriculum for Year’s 1 to 6. You can find more information about this statutory curriculum by following this link.


More information about the school's curriculum can be sought from the school office. 


English and maths are mainly taught as discrete subjects each morning ensuring that all children develop a sound understanding of the basics. The other subject areas such as history, geography, computing, music, art, design and technology are taught through a cross curricular, topic approach.


RE, PE, French and much of our Science are taught as discrete subjects. You can find further details of how these subjects are planned through the year by clicking on the subject heading or find out what each class is learning about by clicking on a class name. We also have our ‘Windows to the World’ curriculum which helps develop children’s understanding of other cultures, modern Britain and its values and the diversity this holds.


At Sheepy we try to create independent learners and children are expected to contribute to what direction their learning takes as well as strive to improve their work alongside the teacher.


We are proud of our curriculum and are continually striving to improve it and keep it exciting and relevant to life today.


Here is a brief outline of what will be covered in the foundation subjects:


Children explore a range of different techniques such as drawing, painting and sculpture, and use a variety of materials, from pencil and paint to charcoal and clay, to create their own art pieces. In addition, during Key Stage 2, children will study the works of some great artists, architects and designers from history.


There are three main strands of the Computing curriculum: information technology, digital literacy and computer science. Information technology is about the use of computers for functional purposes, such as collecting and presenting information, or using search technology. Digital literacy is about the safe and responsible use of technology, including recognising its advantages for collaboration or communication. Finally, computer science will introduce children of all ages to understanding how computers and networks work. It will also give all children the opportunity to learn basic computer programming, from simple floor robots in Years 1 and 2, right up to creating on-screen computer games and programmes by Year 6. We use programming software which is online, such as Scratch. We also include regular teaching of e-safety to ensure that children feel confident when using computers and the Internet, and know what to do if they come across something either inappropriate or uncomfortable.

Design and Technology

This subject includes cooking, with children finding out about a healthy diet and preparing simple meals. It also includes the more traditional design elements in which children will design, make and evaluate products while learning to use a range of tools and techniques for construction. There is often some cross-over with Science as children incorporate levers, pulleys or electrical circuits into their designs for finished products.


Across primary school, children will find out about different places in the UK, Europe and the Americas through studying small regions in each, and comparing these to other areas, including their own locality. In Key Stage 1, children will learn the names of the continents and oceans as well as the names of the four home nations and their respective capital cities. They will use the four main compass directions and simple maps and photographs to explore the local area. In Key Stage 2, the children will locate the countries of the world, with a focus on Europe and the Americas, as well as naming the counties, regions and major cities of the United Kingdom. They will begin to explore geographical features such as volcanoes and tectonic plates, as well as features of human geography such as trade links and land use. They will also learn to use grid references on Ordnance Survey maps to describe locations.


In Key Stage 1, the focus of history is very much on locally significant events or events within their own memories, as well as key events of great significance such as Bonfire Night. In addition, children will find out about important historical people and events, such as Florence Nightingale or The Great Fire of London. In Key Stage 2, there are nine main areas of study that are required, some of which have optional strands. The first four are units relating to British history and are intended to begin the development of a clear chronological understanding. 1. Britain in the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages 2. Roman Britain 3. Anglo-Saxons and Scots in Britain 4. Anglo-Saxons and Vikings 5. Local history 6. A study of a period after 1066 of our choice 7. Ancient Greece 8. Ancient Egypt 9. Mayan civilisation


Foreign languages are now compulsory in schools for children in Key Stage 2. We have chosen French to link in with our local high school. Over the course of their four years in Key Stage 2, children will be expected to make good progress, learning to ask and answer questions, present ideas to an audience both in speaking and writing, read a range of words, phrases and sentences, and write simple phrases, sentences and descriptions. Children will also learn about the appropriate intonation and pronunciation of the language.


Over the course of primary school, children will listen to and perform a range of music. In the first years of schooling this will often include singing songs and rhymes, and playing untuned instruments such as tambourines or rainmaker sticks. In Key Stage 2, children will perform pieces both alone and as part of a group using their own voice and a range of musical instruments, including those with tuning such as glockenspiels or keyboards. They will both improvise and compose pieces using their knowledge of the different dimensions of music such as rhythm and pitch. During the later years they will also begin to use musical notation, and to learn about the history of music.

Physical Education

Physical Education lessons include a range of individual disciplines such as dance and athletics, with team sports and games. Through these sports, children learn the skills of both cooperation and competition. During Key Stage 2, the range of games and sports taught is broader, and the children will also take part in outdoor and adventurous activities such as orienteering. They perform dances, take part in athletics and gymnastics, and attempt to achieve personal bests in various activities. In addition, all children learn to swim in Year 3 and 4.
