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Term Dates

Attendance and Term Dates

For a list of up to date term information, please see the PDF below.

For other term information, please go to the Leicestershire  County Council website.


Family Holidays During Term-Time

Changes in government policy mean that holidays / time off during term time can no longer be granted, unless there are exceptional circumstances. Parental requests for term-time holidays should be made in writing, addressed to the Headteacher. For more information, please see the Local Authority website.


Taking a child out of school without permission, would be regarded as unauthorised absence. Parents who do do may be issued with a Penalty Notice by Leicestershire Local Authority: Education/Pupil Services Court Team.


I hope that you will support us in this matter, as we are all concerned to see children fulfil their potential at school. I am sure you will agree that this can best be achieved by avoiding unnecessary absence. Please read the parents guide below from the DfE.

Term Dates 2024 - 2025
