Come and meet the staff at our school!
Head teacher Mrs. Alison Field
Safeguarding Lead DSL/ Assessment/Community Cohesion/ Teaching and Learning/Broader curriculum/ Behaviour and welfare
Mrs Sarah Hall
EYFS Leader Portland Class (FS/Y1) MFL/EYFS/ PE/ Computing/ First Aid
Mrs Amy Pratt
Cotswold Class (Y1/2) Geography / History / School Council
Mrs Gemma Rose
Cotswold Class (Y1/2) Computing / Science
Mrs Linda Goadby
SLT Swaledale Class (Y3/4) Senior Teacher /Deputy DSL/Maths/RE/Collective Worship
Mrs Claire Keys
Woodlands Class (Y5/6) SMSC / Healthy Schools/ English/ Phonics
Mrs Emily Smith
Southdown Class (Y6 Mon- Fri am) Gifted and Talented and SENDCo
Mrs Helen Goswami
Woodlands Class (Y5/6) Friday
Mrs Lynda Croxton
Deputy DSL,
Monday - Wednesday 8:30am - 5pm
Mrs Kathryn Cook
Monday - Wednesday 8.30am - 1030am, Thursday - Friday 8.30am - 3.15pm
Teaching Assistants and LSAs
Mrs Chrissie Shilton
Mrs Jane Laing
Mrs Marisha Marshall
Mrs Samantha Andrews
Mrs Steph Viegas
Mr Jack Gordon
Mr Edwards and Mr Richardson
Gavin King - Thursday
Midday Supervisors
Mrs. Katherine Cook
Mrs. Teresa Greenfield
Miss Jess Pallett
School Cleaner
Mrs Jane Pallett
After School Club and Breakfast Club Staff
Mrs Marisha Marshall
Mrs Jane Laing
Mrs Teresa Greenfield
Miss Kelly Liggett
Mr Jack Gordon