Welcome to our Governors’ section.
Our Chair of Governors is Mr David Wright.
Our Vice Chair is Ms Anji Forsyth.
The Constitution of our Governing Body allows has for fourteen members:
Three of these are foundation governors who are linked to the Church and appointed by the Leicester Diocesan Board of Education. At Sheepy these are our vicar, Reverend Julia Hargreaves and Carol Holmes-Pearce and Catherine Parkinson who are members of the Church community.
Two parent governors: Jude Marshall and 1 vacancy
One Local Authority governor: David Wright.
We can have up to six co-opted governors; currently these are: Anji Forsyth, Lynda Croxton (who is the school office manager) Nicola Olds, Alison Ward and Bob Armour.
Linda Goadby is our Staff governor.
The Head Teacher, Alison Field is also a governor.
The full governing body meets three times per year, usually once a term. There are also four committees that all meet at least once a term: Leadership and Management, Quality of Education, Health Safety and Wellbeing our Spiritual and Personal Development Committee.
Liz Castle is our Clerk and she attends full governors meetings and Leadership meetings. The minutes of the other meetings are taken by one of the committee members and each committee reports back at the full governors meeting.
We have an annual School Improvement Plan that is written to support continuing development. Each governor has an area of this to monitor and they are linked to a member of staff responsible for this element of school improvement. It is the expectation that all governors visit school to carry out their monitoring duties and then write a brief report.