Purpose of study
At Sheepy Magna Primary School we are keen to promote the study of a foreign language because of its increasing importance in the modern world. We want to embed language learning into our curriculum. This has been recognised in the National Curriculum where there is the statutory commitment to give every child between the ages of 7 and 11 the opportunity to learn a new language. Enriching the curriculum and releasing children’s creative energy through sport drama, music and languages reinforces their understanding of the basics and helps them enjoy a broader, more balanced curriculum.
The experience of learning and using a foreign language makes its unique contribution to the whole curriculum by taking children out of the familiar environment which is pervaded by English and allowing them to explore the life-style and culture of another land through the medium of its language. This in turn provides a satisfying, enjoyable and intellectually challenging experience for children in coping with a different linguistic medium.
In French, pupils will learn to:
We aim to ensure that pupils: