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Broader Curriculum

At Sheepy we teach science, history, geography, computing, music, art, design and technology through a cross curricular, topic approach. This makes learning fun, exciting and relevant to the ages of the children. You can find each of our two year rolling programmes below. These have been written in line with the 2014 National Curriculum and we have ensured that we cover all objectives.


Within our topics we try and make an ‘entry’ into each one that grasps the children’s attention and makes them want to know more and then we work towards an ‘exit’ point so that they know where their learning is taking them. These are different for each topic and may include a visit or a visitor, some sort of stimuli or whole day activity. As with all learning at Sheepy children have an input into the direction that their learning takes them and we build on things that the children already know.

Each topic has a big question for the pupils to explore during the course of the topic. In addition, the teacher identifies 3 core pieces of learning that the pupils will be able to take away. 

Being a small school, some of our topics are whole school topics which means the children have opportunities to work with other year groups and siblings and the progression across the school can be clearly seen. Other topics maybe Key Stage based or class based depending on what they are. Most topics last for half a term.


Also below, you will find our Windows to the World overviews. We have written these in order to enable our pupils to learn about the world in which they live and to fully understand our diverse national and global community. We have updated these too to include a unit specifically about British Values.

Two Year Rolling Programme overviews

British Values
